Dr Kate Harris
B.Sc. MB.BS FRCPAMedical Director | HaematologistDr Harris has previously held the position of Laboratory Director at a major public teaching hospital, and has held positions as head of haematology and senior staff specialist at a number of private and public hospitals and pathology laboratories. She has held positions on a number of major state wide public hospital haematology laboratory and clinical committees including transfusion medicine and clinical haematology. Dr Harris has lectured at a number of institutions and medical schools including at the RACGP. Dr Harris is a current NATA assessor and RCPA training site assessor.
Dr Phillip Baird
MB.BS PhD(Syd) MHL(Syd) Grad.Dipl.HML(Melb) FRCPA. FIAC.Consultant CytopathologistDr Baird has held several academic appointments and has been a Consultant in Histopathology and Cytopathology for several leading teaching hospitals and a number of private pathology laboratories in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. He has been the Director of research programs examining the relationship between Human Papilloma Virus and cancer of the lower female genital tract. For 20 years he owned and operated a specialist diagnostic pathology laboratory servicing mostly specialist physicians and gynaecologists. His laboratory was the first to introduce routine HPV DNA testing for women in Australia and the first to test Liquid Based Cytology cervical samples for both HPV and Chlamydia using DNA technology. He has been an advisor to the office of the Australian Prime Minister on improvements in cancer screening strategies using DNA technologies.
Prof. David A Fulcher
MB.BS PhD FRACP FRCPAImmunologist and ImmunopathologistProf Fulcher has over 30 years’ experience in Immunopathology, including roles as Director of Immunopathology and Flow Cytometry in a public hospital diagnostic service for over 8 years, and was Chief Examiner in Immunopathology for the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia for 5 years. He also works as a Clinical Immunologist in his private Specialist Consulting Rooms (Hills Immunology). He has a strong interest in teaching, having held national teaching positions in Immunology and Immunopathology, including Co-ordinator of Advanced Training in Immunology, and Chair of the Joint Specialist Advisory Committee in Immunology for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He was Director of Physician Training and then Network Director of Physician Training at a major public hospital, and continues to teach Immunology to trainee physicians at his bi-annual online course, ‘immunology4bpts.com’, established over 20 years ago, and attended by physician trainees across Australasia.
A.Prof. Peter Stewart
MB BS BSc(Med) FRACP FRCPA MBAChemical PathologistA.Prof. Peter Stewart is a Chemical Pathologist and Metabolic Physican. Prior to coming to 4Cyte he was Clinical Director at Royal Prince Alfred and Liverpool Hospitals in Sydney. He has an academic appointment as Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine at University of Sydney. He also has a MBA from Macquarie University. He is past President of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. He was Chairman of the RCPA Quality Assurance Company for 11 years. He also served as a Ministerial appointment on National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council for 15 years. He also chaired the Pathology Clinical Committee of the recent Australian Medical Benefits Schedule Review. He has been a lead Technical Assessor in the Australian accreditation system for more than 20 years and currently is Chairman of the Pathology Testing Accreditation Advisory Committee of NATA. His major clinical and research interest is the laboratory and molecular diagnosis of porphyria and new treatments for the condition. He also has a long standing interest in adoption of new technologies into laboratory practice.
Dr Melanie John
MBchB DCH (SA) FC Path (MICRO) Dip HIV Management (SA) DTMH (WITS) Cert Infectious Diseases (SA) FRCPAMicrobiologistDr John has 15 years of experience as a Clinical Microbiology Pathologist in different health care settings including South Africa, England and Australia. Her career has been focused on academic/teaching hospitals with consultancy roles with several private clinical laboratories. Dr John has worked on various committees including infection control, drug and therapeutics, antimicrobial stewardship and AIDS Clinical Trials Scientific working group. She has experience in clinical research in HIV and mycobacterial therapeutics and diagnostics. Her interests are in diagnosing opportunistic infections in the immunocompromised patient, detecting multi-drug resistant bacteria e.g. carbapenem resistant enterobacteriaceae, and applying new technology in the clinical lab e.g. genome sequencing.
Dr Marianne Kube
MB BS Hons Dip RACOG FRCPA FIACConsultant CytopathologistDr Kube graduated from the University of Sydney and gained her Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology during her clinical years. She has been a Consultant in Histopathology and Cytopathology for more than 25 years in both public and private pathology laboratories. She has been a senior Staff Specialist with clinical academic appointments in Western Sydney and Central Western NSW teaching hospitals. Dr Kube is a fellow of the International Academy of Cytology with a broad depth of experience and expertise in both gynaecological and non-gynaecological cytopathology.
Dr Peter Vervaart
PhD FAACB FFSc(RCPA)Clinical Scientist (Chemical Pathology and Immunology)Prior to commencing with 4Cyte Pathology, Dr Vervaart held specialist clinical scientist appointments in a number of leading teaching hospitals including Royal Darwin Hospital (Territory Pathology) and Royal Hobart Hospital as well as State-wide head of the Department of Biochemistry for Diagnostic Services P/L in Tasmania. Dr Vervaart has a PhD in clinical chemistry/immunology and is a Fellow of both the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists and of the Faculty of Science of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. As well as clinical chemistry and immunology, Dr Vervaart has developed extensive experience over the past 30+ years in toxicology, laboratory management, and paediatric pathology.
Dr Aleksandra Sasha Jaksic
MD Spec MMP FRCPAMicrobiologistDr Jaksic graduated from the University of Belgrade (Yugoslavia) with a MD and obtained specialist degree in Medical Microbiology with training in Infectious Diseases (SpecMMP) in 1989. After working in Europe, New Zealand and USA, she moved to Australia and re-trained as a Clinical Microbiologist. During training she received The Trevor Tailor prize in 1998 and the prestigious D.S. Nelson prize in 2000. She was awarded FRCPA in 2000. Dr Jaksic was a Senior Clinical Lecturer in Microbiology & Infectious Diseases at the UWA before moving to Sydney. She is member of several national and international societies for microbiology and infectious diseases, has published in both Australian and international journals and presented at conferences all around the world. Dr Jaksic has been a NATA assessor since 2003 and was a member of several RCPA committees (OTS, MAC) and also of a joint JSAC/RCPA committee. She has been a Microbiology examiner for RCPA since 2002, including a Chief Examiner.
4Cyte Pathology has an exclusive referral laboratory arrangement with the pathologists at Histolab. This practice is recognized as one of Australia's premier specialty anatomical pathology laboratories.
Dr Shane Battye
MB BS BMedSc FRCPAAnatomical PathologistDr Shane Battye trained in histopathology at the Austin, Box Hill and Peter MacCallum Cancer Hospitals after graduating from the University of Melbourne. He has worked as a pathologist at the Austin Hospital and a number of private pathology providers, gaining a broad depth of experience and expertise in gastrointestinal and urological pathology. He is active in research at the University of Melbourne and Royal Melbourne Hospital, and contributor to a number of recent publications in peer reviewed journals; most recently involving high resolution 3D mapping of prostate cancer and prostatic nerves.
Dr Vanessa Fahey
BMedSci MBBS Hons FRCPAAnatomical PathologistDr Fahey has over a decade experience in Dermatopathology at a large private laboratory where she was the lead and coordinating pathologist servicing general practice and skin biopsy / skin cancer clinics. She has been involved in dermatology registrar training and has advanced qualifications in dermatology for pathologists.
Dr Sant Khan
BSc MBBS FRCPathAnatomical PathologistA graduate of Guy's Hospital Medical School in the UK, Dr Khan trained in histopathology and cytopathology at Charing Cross, Royal Marsden, St Mark's and St Bartholomew's Hospitals in London. Dr Khan has held staff appointments at the Royal Melbourne, Alfred Hospitals, and then consulted at a large private laboratory prior to joining Histolab in 2019. His special interests are in gastrointestinal and dermatopathology.
Dr Andrew Ryan
MB BS Hons Dip RACOG FRCPA FIACMedical Director and Anatomical PathologistAndrew is chief pathologist, founder and managing director of Histolab. Prior to that he has held positions as Head of Histopathology and Medical Director of a major private medical laboratory. He has been awarded Associate Membership of the College of Dermatologists, and has held positions as president of the Dermatopathology Society and has been a board member since 2009.
Dr Daniel McKay
MBBS(Hons), FRANZCO, FRCPAPathologistDaniel is a part-time histopathologist with Histolab. He received his medical degree from the University of Melbourne in 2002 and was awarded fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia in 2013. Daniel is also a practising ophthalmologist and holds public hospital positions with Monash Health, Eastern Health and the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. He is Chief Examiner in Ophthalmic Pathology for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists. He enjoys providing personalised histopathology services for ophthalmic colleagues.
Dr Karen McGlaughlin
MBBS, BMedSc (Hons), FRCPAPathologistKaren is a part-time histopathologist with Histolab. She graduated from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 2005, where she completed a Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours). She obtained fellowship with the RCPA in 2012. Karen has worked in private laboratories reporting a range of work including skin, Breast and Gastrointestinal cases with a special interest in Dermatopathology. She has previously been involved in the teaching of Anatomical Pathology and Dermatology trainees. Karen is a member of the Australasian Dermatopathology Society and the International Society of Dermatopathology.
Dr Peter Cowley
MBBS, FRCPAPathologistPeter graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1990 and obtained fellowship of the RCPA in 1999. From 2001 to 2011 he was Anatomical Pathologist at the Austin Hospital, with subspecialty responsibility for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Pathology, including Liver Transplantation. From 2006 to 2011 he was Director of Anatomical Pathology at the Austin and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, maintaining a busy schedule of general and specialised histopathology reporting, multidisciplinary meetings, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and collaborative research. Since 2011 he has worked in the private sector as a lead gastrointestinal pathologist, while consulting across a wide range of disciplines. He now works as a full-time Anatomical Pathologist at Histolab.
4Cyte Pathology also has an exclusive referral laboratory arrangement with the pathologists at Histopath. For over 25 years, Histopath have been delivering results with precision, collaborating closely with referrers and advancing revolutionary technology.
Dr Chris Douglas
MBBS Hons, FRCPADirectorAs a medical director, Chris continues to ensure that Histopath provides an independent alternative to corporate medicine, focused on doctors, patients and staff rather that shareholder profit.
Dr Stephen Mann
MBBS Hons, FRCPA, MACDDirectorSteve is a co-director, co-owner of Histopath. His primary areas of interest and expertise are dermatopathology and gastrointestinal pathology, in which he continues to teach and have multiple publications.
Dr Sue Fredericks
MBBS, FRCPAChief PathologistSue is Chief Pathologist and has been with Histopath since 2009. She has broad interests across the specialty of histopathology, particularly gastrointestinal, urological, head and neck pathology and dermatopathology.
Dr Hae Jin Jeong
MD, PhD, FRCPA, MIACHistopathologistHae Jin has been with Histopath since 2012. She has a special interest and expertise in gastrointestinal pathology and medical parasitology. She also reports on many dermatopathology and uropathology cases daily.
Dr Ranjalee Liyanasuriya
MBBS, FRCPA, MD, DMJHistopathologistRanjalee joined Histopath in 2012 with an interest in gastrointestinal, gynaecological, urological pathology and dermatopathology.
Dr Melissa Holmes
BSc Med, MBBS, FRCPAHistopathologistMel has been part of the Histopath team since 2017 and has a passionate interest and expertise in gynaecological, gastrointestinal, dermatological, urological and general surgical pathology.
Dr Ken Lai
BSc Med, MBBS, FRCPAHistopathologistTo serve patients and clinicians more on a personal basis he's established and run his private histopathology practice for 27 years. In 2017 his practice merged with Histopath based on similar values.
Dr Edward Roper
BA, MBBS (Hons), FRCPAHistopathologistEd is interested in all areas of Anatomical Pathology, with a particular focus on digital pathology, gastrointestinal and genitourinary pathology, and dermatopathology.
Dr Andrew Gal
BSc Med, MBBS, FRCPAHistopathologistAndrew's specialists are skin, UT, GIT , oculoplastic and general surgical pathology. He's devised a modified Moh’s type intra-operative frozen section diagnosis for plastic resection of complex cases of skin neoplasia.
Dr. Amir Ashrafy
MD, FRCPAHistopathologistAmir is a general surgical pathologist with interest and expertise in gastrointestinal and medical liver pathology, pulmonary pathology and neuropathology.
Dr. Raha Madadi Ghahan
MD, FRCPAHistopathologistRaha's areas of special interest within histopathology are within gastrointestinal, genitourinary and breast pathology.